Unit 1: Hobbies | Tiếng Anh 7 (Global Success) - Lớp 7 - Kết Nối Tri Thức Với Cuộc Sống




  • Hobbies
  • Verbs of liking and disliking

Pronunciation Sounds




Present simple


  • Reading about a hobby
  • Talking about the benefits of hobbies
  • Listening about one's hobby
  • Writing a paragraph about one's hobby

Everyday English

Talking about likes and dislikes


My favourite hobby

1 Listen and read. hinh-anh-unit-1-hobbies-5650-1

Ann: Your house is very nice, Trang

Trang: Thanks! Let's go upstairs I'll show you my room.

Ann: I love your dollhouse. It's amazing. Did you make it yourself?

Trang: Yes. I like building dollhouses use & Key much

Ann: Really? Is it hard to build one?

Trang: Not really. All you need is some cardboard and glue. Then just use a bit of creativity. What do you do in your free time?

Ann: I like horse riding.

Trang: That's rather unusual. Not many people do that.

Ann: Actually, it's more common than you think. There are some horse riding clubs in Ha Noi now. I go to the Riders' Club every Sunday.

Trang: I'd love to go to your club this Sunday. I want to learn how to ride.

Ann: Sure. My lesson starts at 8 a.m.


2 Read the conversation again and write T (True) or F (False).

1. Trang needs help with building dollhouses.

2. Trang uses glue and cardboard to build her dollhouse.

3. To build a dollhouse, you need to use your creativity.

4. Ann goes to a horse riding club every Sunday,

5. Ann's lesson starts at 8 p.m.


3 Write the words and phrases from the box under the correct pictures. Then listen, check, and repeat. hinh-anh-unit-1-hobbies-5650-4

building dollhouses

collecting teddy bears

making models

riding a horse

collecting coins




4 Work in pairs. Write the hobbies from 3 in the suitable columns.

doing things

making things

collecting things

Add some other hobbies to each column.

5 GAME Find someone who ...

Work in groups. Ask your classmates which hobbies they like. Use the question 'Do you like...?!

Write the students' names in the table below. Which hobby is the most popular?

Find someone who likes...

riding a horse


building dollhouses


collecting teddy bears


collecting coins




making models




1 Complete the word webs below with the words from the box.








Can you add more words?


Common verbs of liking and disliking are like, love, enjoy, and hate (not like). We often use the -ing form after these verbs.

Example: I like gardening.

She hates watching TV.

2 Complete the sentences, using the -ing form of the verbs from the box.


play collect



1. My dad has a big bookshelf because he loves __________old books.

2. My sister likes______ the weekend. camping at the weekend.

3. My best friend hates________ computer games.

4. Does your brother like______ model?

5. My mum enjoy________ yoga every day to keep fit.

3 Look at the pictures and say the sentences. Use suitable verbs of liking or disliking and the -ing form.


Example: They like making models.




4 Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the soundshinh-anh-unit-1-hobbies-5650-10

hinh-anh-unit-1-hobbies-5650-11 hinh-anh-unit-1-hobbies-5650-12










5 Listen to the sentences and pay attention to the underlined parts. Tick (hinh-anh-unit-1-hobbies-5650-13) the appropriate sounds. Practise the sentences.hinh-anh-unit-1-hobbies-5650-14


1. My hobby is collecting dolls.


2. I go jogging every Thursday.


3. My cousin likes getting up early


4. My best friend has thirty pens.


5. Nam enjoys playing the violin.




The present simple


We use the present simple for:

something that is a general truth.

Example: The sun rises every morning. 

something that happens regularly in the present

Example: She goes swimming three times a week.

timetables or programmes.

Example: The cooking lesson starts at 9 a.m.

1 Match the sentences (1-5) to the correct uses (a - c).


2 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple form of the verbs.

1. My brother and I (make)_______ a new model every month.

2. What________ Lan (do)_________ in her free time?

3. 1 (have)________ a drawing lesson every Tuesday.

4. Mark (not like)_______ doing judo.

5. ______your English lesson (start)________ at 6 p.m.?

3 Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

My family members have different hobbies. My dad (1. enjoy)______ gardening. He (2. spend)  two hours in our garden every day. My mum and sister (3 not like)__________ gardening, but they love cooking They (4 go)________ cooking class every Sunday. Their lesson (5. begin)_______  to a at 9 a.m. I (6. not enjoy)_______cooking, and I cannot cook very well.

4 Write complete sentences, using the given words and phrases. You may have to change the words or add some.

1. sun/set/in/west/every evening.


2. Trang and Minh/play/basketball/every day/ after school?


3. flight/from/Ho Chi Minh City/not arrive/10:30.


3. flight/from / Ho Chi Minh City / not arrive / 10:30.


4. our science teacher/start/our lessons/ 1 p.m/ on Fridays.


5. you/make/model/at/weekend?


5 GAME Sentence race

Work in groups.

1. Read the verb the teacher writes on the board.

2. Take turns to make a sentence with the verb, using the present simple.

3. Get one point for each correct sentence. The group with the most points wins.


Everyday English

Talking about likes and dislikes

1 Listen and read the dialogue below. Pay attention to the questions and answers.hinh-anh-unit-1-hobbies-5650-18

Mi: Do you like reading books?

Ann: Yes, very much, especially books about science.

Mi: What about painting? Do you like it?

Ann: No, I don't. I'm not interested in art.

2 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about what you like and don't like doing.

All about your hobbies

3 Answer the questions. Fill in column A with your answers.

How much free time do you have a day?

What do you like doing every day?

What do you not like doing?

What do you love doing in the summer/winter?

A (Me) B (My friend)

Amount of free time per day:

Thing(s) he/she likes doing every day.

Thing(s) I don't like doing:

Thing(s) I love doing in the summer.

Thing(s) I love doing in the winter;

Amount of free time per day:

Thing(s) / like doing every day:

Thing(s) he/she doesn't like doing:

 Thing(s) he/she loves doing in the summer:

Thing(s) he/she loves doing in the winter.

4 Now interview your friend, using the questions in 3. Write his/her answers in column B.

5 Compare your answers with your friend's. Then present them to the class.


I have one hour of free time a day, but my friend Lan has only about 30 minutes. I like listening to music every day, and Lan likes it too. I don't like exercising. but Lan does



1 Work in pairs. Look at the picture and discuss the questions below.

1. What can you see in the picture?

2. In your opinion, what is good about gardening?


2 Read the text about gardening. Match each word in column A with its definition in column B.

People divide hobbies into four big groups doing things, making things, collecting things, and learning things Gardening belongs to the most popular group - doing things.

Gardening is one of the oldest outdoor activities. It has something for everyone, even for children. Gardening teaches children about flowers, fruits, and vegetables. They can also learn about insects and bugs. When gardening. children learn to be patient and take on responsibility. They leam to wait for the plants to grow to maturity. And if they die. This teaches them valuable lessons about responsibility.

Gardening is also good because everyone in the family can join in and do something together. My mum and I love gardening. We usually spend an hour a day in our garden. It really makes us happy, and we love spending time together.


1. outdoor

a. a very developed form

2. patient

b. happening outside

3. responsibility

c. the duty of taking care of something

4 maturity

d. very helpful
5. valuable e. able to wait for a long time

3 Read the text again. Complete each sentence with no more than THREE words.

1. Gardening belongs to the group of___________.

2. Gardening teaches children about flowers, fruits, vegetables,______________.

3. Gardening makes children become __________and responsible.

4. It is an activity that everyone in the family can___________.

5. The author and her mother usually garden for__________ a day.


4 Work in pairs. Match each hobby with its benefit(s). One hobby may have more than one benefit.


5 Work in groups. Ask one another the following questions. Then present your partners' answers to the class.

1. What is your favourite hobby?

2. What are its benefits?


My friend Mi's favourite hobby is collecting stamps. It helps her be more patient.



1 Look at the picture. What hobby is it? Do you think it is a good hobby? Why or why not?



Writing tip You can use a mind map to organise ideas for your writing.

2 Listen to an interview about Trang's hobby. Fill in each blank in the mind map with ONE word or number. hinh-anh-unit-1-hobbies-5650-22


3 What is your hobby? Fill in the blanks below.


4 Now write a paragraph of about 70 words about your hobby. Use the notes in 3. Start your paragraph as shown below.

My hobby is_____________________________





1 Complete the sentences with appropriate hobbies.

1. I have a lot of coins from different countries. My hobby is_______

2. She loves judo and goes to the judo club every weekend. Her hobby is________

3. He loves making models of small cars and planes. His hobby is__________

4. My sister spends one hour in the garden every day. Her hobby is___________

5. Minh is a good footballer. He plays football with his friends every day. His hobby is__________

2 Write true sentences about you and your family members.

1. I like_______

2. My dad enjoys_______

3. My mum doesn't like_______

4. My grandmother loves_______

5. My grandfather hates_______


3 Use the present simple form of each verb to complete the passage.

Each of my best friends has his or her own hobby. Mi (1. love)________ drawing. She can spend hours drawing pictures every day. Mark (2. have)_______ a different hobby. He (3. enjoy)______  playing sport.  I (4. not like) _______playing sport. I like reading books because I can learn many things from them. However, there (5. be)_______ hobby we share. It (6. be) cooking. We all (7. go) same cooking class. Our class one to the (8. begin)_________ at 9 a.m. on Sundays.

4 Change the following sentences into questions and negative ones.

1. This river runs through my home town.


2. My drawing class starts at 8 a.m. every Sunday.


3. They enjoy collecting stamps.


4. I do judo every Tuesday.


5. My brother loves making model cars





Tin tức mới

Đánh giá

Unit 1: Hobbies | Tiếng Anh 7 (Global Success) - Lớp 7 - Kết Nối Tri Thức Với Cuộc Sống

Tổng số sao của bài viết là: 5 trong 1 đánh giá
Xếp hạng: 5 / 5 sao

Bình Luận

Để Lại Bình Luận Của Bạn

Tiếng Anh 7 (Global Success)

Tin tức mới

Bộ Sách Lớp 7

Giáo Dục Việt Nam

Bộ Sách Giáo Khoa của Nhà Xuất Bản Giáo Dục Việt Nam

Tài liệu học tập

Đây là tài liệu tham khảo hỗ trợ trong quá trình học tập

Global Success & Bộ Giáo Dục - Đào Tạo

Bộ sách Global Success & Bộ Giáo Dục - Đào Tạo là sự kết hợp giữa ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh theo lối giảng dạy truyền thống và cập nhật những phương thức quốc tế

Chân Trời Sáng Tạo

Bộ sách giáo khoa của Nhà xuất bản Chân Trời Sáng Tạo

Cánh Diều

Bộ sách giáo khoa của Nhà xuất bản Cánh Diều

Kết Nối Tri Thức Với Cuộc Sống

Sách giáo khoa của nhà xuất bản Kết Nối Tri Thức Với Cuộc Sống

Sách Kết Nối Tri Thức Với Cuộc Sống

Lớp 1

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 1

Lớp 6

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 6

Lớp 5

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 5

Lớp 4

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 4

Lớp 2

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 2

Lớp 3

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 3

Lớp 7

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 7

Lớp 8

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 8

Lớp 9

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 9

Lớp 10

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 10

Lớp 11

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 11

Lớp 12

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 12

Liên Kết Chia Sẻ

** Đây là liên kết chia sẻ bới cộng đồng người dùng, chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm gì về nội dung của các thông tin này. Nếu có liên kết nào không phù hợp xin hãy báo cho admin.