Lesson 1 | Tiếng Anh 5 - Tập Hai | Unit 15: What Would You Like To Be In The Future? - Lớp 5 - Giáo Dục Việt Nam

Asking and answering questions about what someone would you like to be in the future. Sentence Patterns: What would you like to be in the future? I'd like to be a/an…

1. Look, listen and repeat.

a) What would you like to be in the future, Tony?

I'd like to be a pilot.

b) Is that why you work out so much in the gym?

Yes. Pilots have to be strong.

c) So would you like to fly a plane?

Yes, of course! There's only one problem.

d) What's that?      

I'm scared of heights!


2. Point and say.

What would you like to be in the future? - I'd like to be a/an _________.

a) pilot.  

b) doctor.  

c) architect.  

d) writer.


3. Let's talk.

Ask and answer questions about what you would like in the future.

What would you like to be in the future?

I'd like to be a/an…

4. Listen and tick.


5. Look and write.

1. A: What would you like to be in the future, Hoa?

B: I'd _____________________.

2. A: What would Mary like to be when she grows up?

B: She'd _____________________.

3. A: What would Linda and Trung like to do when they leave school?

B: They'd _____________________.


6. Let's sing.

What would you like to be in the future?

What would you like to be?

What would you like to be? 

What would you like to be in the future?

I'd like to be a teacher.

What would you like to be?

What would you like to be?

What would you like to be in the future?

I'd like to be a nurse.

What would you like to be?

What would you like to be? 

What would you like to be in the future?

I'd like to write stories for children.


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Lesson 1 | Tiếng Anh 5 - Tập Hai | Unit 15: What Would You Like To Be In The Future? - Lớp 5 - Giáo Dục Việt Nam

Tổng số sao của bài viết là: 5 trong 1 đánh giá
Xếp hạng: 5 / 5 sao

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Để Lại Bình Luận Của Bạn

Tin tức mới

Bộ Sách Lớp 5

Giáo Dục Việt Nam

Bộ Sách Giáo Khoa của Nhà Xuất Bản Giáo Dục Việt Nam

Sách Bài Tập

Sách bài tập tất cả các khối lớp

Sách Giáo Dục Việt Nam

Lớp 6

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 6

Lớp 5

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 5

Lớp 4

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 4

Lớp 3

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 3

Lớp 7

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 7

Lớp 8

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 8

Lớp 9

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 9

Lớp 10

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 10

Lớp 11

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 11

Lớp 12

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 12

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