Nội Dung Chính
(Page 101)

Q1: A Q2: B Q3: C
Q4: B Q5: C Q6: A
• 5-6 correct answers: You certainly know a lot about natural disasters.
• 3-4 correct answers: Try to learn more about natural disasters.
• 0-2 correct answers: You don't know much about natural disasters.
Work in groups.
1. Choose a natural disaster you want to learn more about.
2. Research it. You can use these questions to guide you:
What causes it?
- Where and when does it usually happen?
- What effects can it have?
- What should people do before, during, and after it happens?
3. Create a poster about this natural disaster. Draw pictures or find suitable photos for it.
4. Present the poster to the class.
Now I can ... | ✓ | ✓✓ | ✓✓✓ |
• use the words related to types of natural disasters and words describing natural disasters. • pronounce the words ending in -al and -ous with correct stress. • use the past continuous. • give and respond to bad news. • read about natural disasters. • talk about a natural disaster. • listen about things to do before, during, and after a natural disaster. • write instructions about things to do before, during, and after a natural disaster. |
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