Nội Dung Chính
(Page 68-69)
Play with 2-4 classmates. Take turns. Each classmate has a game counter. Toss a coin and move your counter.
Heads = move two squares
Tails = move one square
Can't answer? Miss a turn!

1. Name four activities you like to do.
2. What kind of music do you like best?
3. Explain the meaning of "that's music to my ears."
4. What clothes did you get recently?
5. What's the driest place on Earth?
6. Explain the meaning of "to keep a straight face."
7. Which are cuter, cats or dogs?
8. Which is bigger, a soccer ball or a baseball?
9. Describe what this person is wearing.
10. What does your best friend look like?
11. Name three types of music you like.
12. What do you like to do on the weekends?
13. Name the most beautiful place in your city.
14. Name your favorite activity and describe how often you do it.
15. Who's the tallest person in your class?
16. What's the largest river in the world?
17. Which country is Vovinam from?
18. Describe what another student in class is wearing. The other players must guess the student's name.
19. Where do emperor penguins live?
20. What do you like to do after school?
21. Compare two people you know. Say three things about them.
22. How often do you use the computer?
23. What's the largestcontinent on Earth?
24. Do you like to exercise?
25. Name someone with curly hair.
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