Nội Dung Chính
(Page 95)
"Old habits die hard" means it's _____ to change your habits.
a. bad b. difficult c. scary
Intonation: Making lists
A. (🎧2-24) Listen. Notice how the voice goes up for the first two items of the list and then down at the end of the list.

I have many hobbies: playing the piano, watching films, and reading books.
B. (🎧2-25) Mark the intonation of the sentences. Listen and check your answers.
1. My favorite subjects at school are math, physics, and English.
2. To be healthy, we should eat vegetables, drink enough water, and do exercise.
3. Jennifer bought a pencil, some pens, a ruler, and a new bag.
C. Work with a partner. Practice reading the sentences in B. Then complete the sentences below and say them with the correct intonation.
1. My favorite kinds of fruits are __________, __________, and __________.
2. To make a cake, we need __________, __________, and __________.
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