Nội Dung Chính
- 1. SPEAKING Look at photos A–D. Do you know any of these films or TV programmes? Can you name any of the actors or characters?
- 2. ☊1.31 VOCABULARY and PRONUNCIATION Match four of the words below with photos A–D. Then listen to the wordlist and check your answers. Work in pairs and practise the pronunciation. Mark the stress on the word(s).
- 3. ☊1.32 Listen to six short excerpts. Match each excerpt with a type of film or TV programme from exercise 2.
- 4. VOCABULARY Work in pairs. Talk about which types of TV programmes and films you and your partner like and dislike. Give reasons using the adjectives below.
- 5. ☊1.33 Listen to four dialogues, pausing after each one. Does each pair of speakers agree or disagree, in general?
- 6. ☊1.33 VOCABULARY Listen again. Complete the sentences at the top of page 35 with the words below.
- 7. SPEAKING Work in pairs. Tell your partner your opinion of a film your saw recently. Use the language in exercise 6 to help you.
- 8. SPEAKING Complete the WebQuest quiz below with words from exercise 2 and 6. Search the internet to do the quiz in groups. Check your answers with your teacher.
(Page 34)
1. SPEAKING Look at photos A–D. Do you know any of these films or TV programmes? Can you name any of the actors or characters?
2. ☊1.31 VOCABULARY and PRONUNCIATION Match four of the words below with photos A–D. Then listen to the wordlist and check your answers. Work in pairs and practise the pronunciation. Mark the stress on the word(s).
Films and TV programmes action film animation chat show
comedy documentary fantasy film game show horror film
musical news bulletin period drama reality show
romantic comedy science fiction film sitcom soap opera
talent show thriller war film weather forecas western
A. __________ B. __________ C. __________ D. __________
3. ☊1.32 Listen to six short excerpts. Match each excerpt with a type of film or TV programme from exercise 2.
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________
4. __________ 5. __________ 6. __________
4. VOCABULARY Work in pairs. Talk about which types of TV programmes and films you and your partner like and dislike. Give reasons using the adjectives below.
Adjectives to describe films and TV programmes boring confusing
convincing embarrassing exciting funny gripping imaginative
interesting moving scary spectacular unrealistic violent
I’m not a fan of horror films. They’re really violent. But I like ...
5. ☊1.33 Listen to four dialogues, pausing after each one. Does each pair of speakers agree or disagree, in general?
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________
6. ☊1.33 VOCABULARY Listen again. Complete the sentences at the top of page 35 with the words below.
Aspects of films acting ending plot scenes script
soundtrack special effects
(Page 35)
1. The _____ was quite moving.
2. There were some really funny _____.
3. I found the _____ really confusing.
4. The _____ were spectacular.
5. The _____ was totally convincing.
6. The _____ was really cool.
7. The _____ was really unnatural in places.
7. SPEAKING Work in pairs. Tell your partner your opinion of a film your saw recently. Use the language in exercise 6 to help you.
I recently saw a really exciting action film. The special effects were amazing!
8. SPEAKING Complete the WebQuest quiz below with words from exercise 2 and 6. Search the internet to do the quiz in groups. Check your answers with your teacher.
WebQuest Quiz
Round 1: True or False?
1. Dat Phuong Nam is the first Vietnamese p _ _ _ _ d d _ _ _ a to be exported to the USA. True/ False
2. The TV r_ _ _ _ _y sh_w Thieu nien noi gives teenagers an opportunity to show their talents. True/ False
3. Pop groups Little Mix, Girls Aloud and One Direction all became famous after being on t_ _ _ _t sh_ws. True/ False
Round 2: Odd one out
1. Which of these ch_ _ _ _ _ _rs is the odd one out? Why?
a. Willy Wonka b. the Mad Hatter
c. Bilbo Baggins d. Jack Sparrow
2 Which of these f_ _ _ _ _y f_ _ _s is the odd one out? Why?
a. New Moon b. Catching Fire
c. Breaking Dawn d. Eclipse
3. Which of these is not an a_ _ _ _ _ _ _n?
a. Turbo b. Shrek c. Rongo d. Belle
Round 3: Matching
1. Match the films with the genres.
1. The Woman in Black 2. Wall-E 3. Gravity 4. Annie | a. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _n b. s_ _p o_ _ _a c. h_ _ _ _r f_ _m d. t_ _ _ _ _ _r |
2. Match the actors with the characters they play in these a_ _ _ _n f_ _ _s.
1. Robert Downey Jr 2. Ben Affleck 3. Andrew Garfield 4. Henry Cavill | a. Batman b. Iron Man c. Superman d. Spiderman |
3. Match two halves to make titles of r_ _ _ _ _ic c_ _ _ _ies.
1. Mr & Mrs 2. When Harry Met 3. Pretty 4. Along Came | a. Woman b. Smith c. Polly d. Sally |
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