Nội Dung Chính
- 1. SPEAKING Work in pairs. What does the photo tell you about the lives of people who live in this city?
- 2. ☊2.29 Read and listen to the dialogue. Who do you agree with more, Anne or Nam?
- 3. Read the Learn this! box and complete rule a with infinitive, past simple and would. Then find seven second conditional sentences in the dialogue in exercise 2.
- 4. Match 1–5 with a–e and make second conditional sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
- 5. Complete the money tips with the second conditional. Use the correct form of the verbs below.
- 6. SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions.
(Page 72)
1. SPEAKING Work in pairs. What does the photo tell you about the lives of people who live in this city?
2. ☊2.29 Read and listen to the dialogue. Who do you agree with more, Anne or Nam?
Anne: What are you doing?
Nam: I'm doing my geography project. Look at this photo. It’s shocking that some people have so much and others have so little! The world would be much better if money didn't exist.
Anne: What do you mean? If money didn't exist, how would you buy things?
Nam: If you needed something, you would make it. If you couldn't make it, you would swap with somebody else.
Anne: So if I wanted a new mobile phone, how would I get it?
Nam: You don't need things like that! I'm talking about essentials: food, clothes, that kind of thing. At the moment, millions of people haven't even got those.
Anne: If money didn't exist, life wouldn't be better for poor people.
Nam: No? I think it would. If nobody had any money, everybody would be equal.
3. Read the Learn this! box and complete rule a with infinitive, past simple and would. Then find seven second conditional sentences in the dialogue in exercise 2.
LEARN THIS! The second conditionala. We use the second conditional to describe an unreal or imaginary situation and its result. If shops didn't exist (imaginary situation), we would buy (result) everything online. We use the (1) _____ in the if clause and we use (2) _____ + (3) _____ in the main clause. b. We can put the main clause first. In this case, we don't need the comma. I'd buy you a present if I had enough money. c. We use could to mean would + be able to. It is also the past simple of can. If I won the lottery, I could stop work. If she could speak English, she'd get a job in the USA. |
⇒ Grammar Builder 6B The second conditional: page 118 |
4. Match 1–5 with a–e and make second conditional sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If I _____ (need) money, 2. lf tablet computers _____ (not cost) so much, 3. I _________ (be) upset 4. I _______ (can) buy clothes really cheaply 5. If I _______ (not have) a mobile phone, | a. I _____ (ask) my dad to buy one for me. b. if I _____ (shop) at the charity shop. c. I ______ (get) holiday job. d. I _____ (use) my mum's laptop to send messages. e. if the coffee shop in my village _____ (close) |
5. Complete the money tips with the second conditional. Use the correct form of the verbs below.
can get make save sell swap
Money tips!
Cosmetics are not cheap. You (1) _____ a fortune if you (2) _____ your own. Olive oil, salt and lemon are three cheap and effective ingredients.
Clothes shopping costs a lot of money. If you (3) _____ clothes with your friends, all of you (4) _____ something new to wear - for free!
How many old books, DVDSs and games have you got on your shelves? If you (5) _____ them all online, you (6) _____ use the money to buy new ones!
6. SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions.
What would you do if... (Bạn sẽ làm gì nếu?)
1. there were no shops in your town?
2. you won 1 billion VND?
3. you could have a free holiday anywhere in the world?
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