Nội Dung Chính
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Three deaf students chat in a university classroom.
Look at the photo and answer the questions:
1. How are the students talking to each other?
2. Besides language, what else do people use to express their feelings?
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A. Talk about Yourself
B. Make Small Talk with New People
C. Start a Conversation
D. Discuss Endangered Languages E. Give Examples
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A GOAL Talk about Yourself
A Read.
Selfies are an important part of how we talk about ourselves now!
Every culture around the world has different customs and different ways of communicating. So when you learn a language, you learn more than words.
People use language to communicate many different things. Greetings, such as "Hello" or "How are you?" show that we are friendly or polite. We also use language to connect with each other. Using the right words can show our family members that we love them, for example. We might also become friends with people who we speak to every day. Another good way to connect with people is by talking about our personal experiences.
In some cultures, it is common to ask questions when you meet someone for the first time. You might ask a new neighbor, "Have you recently moved to this city?" This kind of conversation can increase feelings of trust between people. In other cultures, though, asking this kind of question could make people uncomfortable. Once you have learned the rules of a language, you can communicate more easily and avoid communication problems.
B Circle the correct word or phrase. You may use a dictionary to help you.
1. A custom is something that few / most people in a certain place or culture do.
2. When you communicate with someone, you share money / information with them.
3. A polite person has good manners and is not rude / nice to other people.
4. When you connect with other people, you feel closer / not as close to them.
5. Your experiences are things that you do or that return / happen to you.
6. If something happens often / rarely, it is common.
7. Most people avoid things they like/ don't like.
C In pairs, ask and answer two of the following questions.
1. What's a popular custom in your country?
2. How do you often communicate or connect with others?
3. What was the best experience of your childhood?
4. What topics do you often avoid when talking to your friends or family? Why?
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Grammar (See Grammar Reference pp. 147-148)
The Present Perfect vs. The Simple Past |
Use the present perfect to talk about actions that: 1. began in the past and continue until the present. 2. happened at an indefinite past time and affect the present. 3. happened more than once in the past. about his trip to India. Common adverbs of time: since 2001, over the past 5 years, so far,... | 1. They have known each other since the first grade. 2. Tim has traveled alone before, so he's not nervous 3. Ken and Takako have been to Peru five times. |
Use the simple past for completed actions or situations at a specific past time. Common adverbs of time: last year, last summer, yesterday. 2 weeks ago,... | They have become parents in 2017. They became parents in 2017. |
D Complete each sentence with the present perfect or simple past form of the verb.
1. I think Lee will do well on the test. He ______________ (study) a lot for it.
2. Elena ______________ (take) the same test last year.
3. Sam ______________ (travel) to Argentina four times. He loves it there!
4. Jason doesn't want to call his mother tonight. He ______________ (call) her every night for the past week.
5. We ______________ (learn) some Arabic greetings and polite phrases before our trip to Qatar 2 years ago.
6. I first ______________ (meet) my best friend when we ______________ (be) in 10th grade.
7. How many countries ______________ (you/be) to so far?
E Complete the questions. Ask a partner. If the answer is "yes," ask, "When?"
Have you ever...
1. eaten ______________ food?
2. seen a movie from ______________ (country)?
3. gone to ______________?
4. played ______________ ?
5. talked to ______________ ?
Have you ever talked to a movie star?
Yes, I have.
2 years ago.
Talk about Yourself
Use the questions to interview a partner. Then switch roles.
Interview Questions
1. What is a custom from your culture that you really like?
2. What are some things you have done just to be polite?
3. When you meet new people, do you avoid talking to them, or do you try to communicate with them? Explain your answer.
4. Talk about some of your closest friends. How did you become friends with them?
5. What was your favorite way to spend time with the people in your family?
6. Talk about an important experience in your life. How has it affected you?
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