Nội Dung Chính
(Page 68)
Play with 2-4 classmates. Take turns. Each classmate has a game counter. Toss a coin and move your counter.
Heads = move two squares
Tails = move one square
Can't answer? Miss a turn!

1. What's Maya's favorite movie?
2. Who's your favorite band or singer?
3. Which country's favorite sport is rugby?
4. What sport is also the name of an insect?
5. Otto is Stig's __________.
6. Unscramble these words: w o e r h l y m n e o k (Clue: It's a noisy animal.)
7. How long do macaws live?
8. Describe aye-ayes.
9. Say where three things are in your classroom.
10. Name three sea animals.
11. Name an animal that hides in things of the same color.
12. What is this animal?
13. How many people are there in the Cason family?
14. Does Maya have sisters?
15. How many people are there in your family?
16. Complete this sentence. My cousin's mom is my _____.
17. Name two countable and two uncountable foods.
18. Name one food you like and one food your partner likes.
19. Complete the sentence. I have a bar of _______.
20. What's your favorite food?
21. What time does your school start?
22. How often do you have breakfast at 6 o'clock?
23. Name your favorite school subjects.
24. When does your family go to bed?
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