Nội Dung Chính
(Page 95)
What makes more money every year?
a. Hollywood movies b. Video games
Intonation in Wh-questions and yes/no questions
A. (🎧2-24) Listen to the intonation. Listen again and repeat.
1. What are you doing? 2. Are you studying?
B. (🎧2-25 Listen to the questions. Circle the correct intonation.
1. a. Are they watching a movie? b. Are they watching a movie?

2. a. Do you read blogs? b. Do you read blogs?

3. a. What's she writing? b. What's she writing?

4. a. Are you texting him now? b. Are you texting him now?

5. a. Do you like movies? b. Do you like movies?

6. a. What game are you playing? b. What game are you playing?
C. Work with a partner. Take turns to ask questions in B.
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