Nội Dung Chính
(Page 58)
A narwhal, which is a type of whale, is sometimes known as the "unicorn of the sea."
(Page 59)
A. (🎧2-10) Listen. Write the ocean(s) each animal lives in: Atlantic (At), Pacific (P), Indian (I), Arctic (Ar), or Southern (S).
1. dugong _______ 4. penguin _______
2. king crab _______ 5. seahorse _______
3. narwhal _______
B. (🎧2-10) Listen again. Complete the sentences.
feathers flippers shells tail tusk |
1. The dugong uses its _______ to swim.
2. King crabs, which can have blue, red, or gold _______, are caught for food.
3. The narwhal, which has a long, straight _______ , is a type of whale.
4. Penguins, which have short, dense _______, are highly adapted for life in the Antarctic.
5. The seahorse, which is a type of fish, uses its _______ to move forward.
C. Talk with a partner. Describe an interesting sea creature you know.
The octopus can lose one of its arms when escaping from danger. It regrows its arm later.
Male seahorses give birth and care for their young.
By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
• talk about marine animals;
• use relative clauses and reported speech;
• use intonation in relative clauses.
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