Nội Dung Chính
(Page 63)
Some species of ______ mate for life.
a. sea otter
b. albatross
c. hermit crab
Intonation in relative clauses
A. (🎧2-15) Listen and repeat.
1. Maria, who is the director of this aquarium, is very interested in marine conservation.

2. Ostriches, which can live for more than 40 years, are the largest birds on Earth.
B. (🎧2-16) Look at the sentences below. Add commas where necessary. Then listen and check your answers.
1. Saltwater crocodiles which are very dangerous are the largest living reptiles.
2. Cynthia who is one of my best friends visits us every summer.
3. These seal pups which are three weeks old were washed away by a storm.
4. Tom who has been studying coral reefs is giving a presentation on them next week.
5. Sea otters which live in the Pacific Ocean are very playful animals.
C. Work with a partner. Take turns to read the sentences in B.
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