Tiếng Anh 7 (Friend Plus) | Lớp 7 - Giáo Dục Việt Nam

Sách Lớp 7 NXB Giáo Dục

Tiếng Anh 7 (Friend Plus) | Lớp 7 - Giáo Dục Việt Nam

  1. Starter Unit

    Starter Unit

    English 7 Friends Plus Starter Unit
    1. Vocabulary: Family

      Vocabulary: Family

      English 6 Friends Plus Starter Unit - Vocabulary: Family
    2. Language Focus (Page 7)

      Language Focus (Page 7)

      English 6 Friends Plus Starter Unit - Language Focus • be. • Possessive adjectives. • Possessive pronouns • Articles
    3. Vocabulary and listening: School

      Vocabulary and listening: School

      English 6 Friends Plus Starter Unit - Vocabulary and listening: School
    4. Language Focus (Page 9)

      Language Focus (Page 9)

      English 6 Friends Plus Starter Unit - Language Focus • have got • there's, there are
  2. Unit 1: My Time

    Unit 1: My Time

    English 7 Friends Plus Unit 1: My Time
    1. Vocabulary: Where we spend time

      Vocabulary: Where we spend time

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 1 - Vocabulary: Where we spend time
    2. Reading: Screen time

      Reading: Screen time

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 1 - Reading: Screen time
    3. Language Focus: Present simple: affirmative and negative

      Language Focus: Present simple: affirmative and negative

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 1 - Language Focus: Present simple: affirmative and negative
    4. Vocabulary and listening: Free time activities

      Vocabulary and listening: Free time activities

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 1 - Vocabulary and listening: Free time activities
    5. Language Focus: Present simple: questions

      Language Focus: Present simple: questions

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 1 - Language Focus: Present simple: questions
    6. Speaking: Thinking of things to do

      Speaking: Thinking of things to do

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 1 - Speaking: Thinking of things to do
    7. Writing: A profile for a web page

      Writing: A profile for a web page

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 1 - Writing: A profile for a web page
    8. CLIL: Maths: Data and charts

      CLIL: Maths: Data and charts

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 1 - CLIL: Maths: Data and charts
    9. Puzzles And Games (Page 19)

      Puzzles And Games (Page 19)

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 1 - Puzzles And Games
  3. Unit 2: Communication

    Unit 2: Communication

    English 7 Friends Plus Unit 2: Communication
    1. Vocabulary: Communication

      Vocabulary: Communication

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 2 - English 7 Friends Plus
    2. Reading: Emojis

      Reading: Emojis

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 2 - Reading: Emojis
    3. Language Focus: Present continuous: affirmative and negative

      Language Focus: Present continuous: affirmative and negative

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 2 - Language Focus: Present continuous: affirmative and negative
    4. Vocabulary and listening: On the phone

      Vocabulary and listening: On the phone

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 2 - Vocabulary and listening: On the phone
    5. Language Focus (Page 25)

      Language Focus (Page 25)

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 2 - Language Focus Present continuous: questions Present simple and present continuous
    6. Speaking: Making plans over the phone

      Speaking: Making plans over the phone

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 2 - Speaking: Making plans over the phone
    7. Writing: A report on a survey

      Writing: A report on a survey

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 2 - Writing: A report on a survey
    8. Culture: English is all around

      Culture: English is all around

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 2 - Culture: English is all around
    9. Puzzles And Games (Page 29)

      Puzzles And Games (Page 29)

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 2 - Puzzles And Games
  4. Progress Review 1

    Progress Review 1

    English 7 Friends Plus Progress Review 1
    1. Progress review

      Progress review

      English 7 Friends Plus Progress review
  5. Unit 3: The Past

    Unit 3: The Past

    English 7 Friends Plus Unit 3: The Past
    1. Vocabulary: People and places

      Vocabulary: People and places

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 3 - Vocabulary: People and places
    2. Reading: Museum exhibits

      Reading: Museum exhibits

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 3 - Reading: Museum exhibits
    3. Language Focus (Page 37)

      Language Focus (Page 37)

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 3 - Language Focus was, were there was, there were
    4. Vocabulary and listening: Common verbs

      Vocabulary and listening: Common verbs

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 3 - Vocabulary and listening: Common verbs
    5. Language Focus (Page 39)

      Language Focus (Page 39)

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 3 - Language Focus Past simple: affirmative, negative and questions; regular and irregular verbs
    6. Speaking: Your weekend

      Speaking: Your weekend

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 3 - Speaking: Your weekend
    7. Writing: A special event

      Writing: A special event

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 3 - Writing: A special event
    8. Culture: Thanksgiving

      Culture: Thanksgiving

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 3 - Culture: Thanksgiving
    9. Puzzles And Games (Page 43)

      Puzzles And Games (Page 43)

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 3 - Puzzles And Games
  6. Unit 4: In the picture

    Unit 4: In the picture

    English 7 Friends Plus Unit 4: In the picture
    1. Vocabulary: Actions and movement

      Vocabulary: Actions and movement

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 4 - Vocabulary: Actions and movement
    2. Reading: A moment in time

      Reading: A moment in time

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 4 - Reading: A moment in time
    3. Language Focus: Past continuous: affirmative and negative

      Language Focus: Past continuous: affirmative and negative

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 4 - Language Focus: Past continuous: affirmative and negative
    4. Vocabulary and listening: Adjectives and adverbs

      Vocabulary and listening: Adjectives and adverbs

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 4 - Vocabulary and listening: Adjectives and adverbs
    5. Language Focus (Page 49)

      Language Focus (Page 49)

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 4 - Language Focus • Past continuous: questions • Past simple and past continuous
    6. Speaking: Expressing interest

      Speaking: Expressing interest

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 4 - Speaking: Expressing interest
    7. Writing: The story of a rescue

      Writing: The story of a rescue

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 4 - Writing: The story of a rescue
    8. CLIL: Art: The history of animation

      CLIL: Art: The history of animation

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 4 - CLIL: Art: The history of animation
    9. Puzzles And Games (Page 53)

      Puzzles And Games (Page 53)

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 4 - Puzzles And Games (Page 53)
  7. Progress Review 2

    Progress Review 2

    English 7 Friends Plus Progress Review 2
    1. Progress review

      Progress review

      English 7 Friends Plus Progress review 2
  8. Unit 5: Achieve

    Unit 5: Achieve

    English 7 Friends Pluss Unit 5: Achieve
    1. Vocabulary: Units of measurement

      Vocabulary: Units of measurement

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 5 - Vocabulary: Units of measurement
    2. Reading: Meals for medals

      Reading: Meals for medals

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 5 - Reading: Meals for medals
    3. Language Focus: Making comparisons

      Language Focus: Making comparisons

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 5 - Language Focus: Making comparisons
    4. Vocabulary and listening: Jobs and skills

      Vocabulary and listening: Jobs and skills

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 5 - Vocabulary and listening: Jobs and skills
    5. Language Focus (Page 63)

      Language Focus (Page 63)

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 5 - Language Focus (Page 63) • Ability: can and could • Questions with How
    6. Speaking: Asking for permission

      Speaking: Asking for permission

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 5 - Speaking: Asking for permission
    7. Writing: A biographical web page

      Writing: A biographical web page

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 5 - Writing: A biographical web page
    8. CLIL: Science: Average speed

      CLIL: Science: Average speed

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 5 - CLIL: Science: Average speed
    9. Puzzles And Games (Page 67)

      Puzzles And Games (Page 67)

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 5 - Puzzles And Games (Page 67)
  9. Unit 6: Survival

    Unit 6: Survival

    English 7 Friends Plus Unit 6: Survival
    1. Vocabulary: Survival verbs

      Vocabulary: Survival verbs

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 6 - Vocabulary: Survival verbs
    2. Reading: Jungle challenge

      Reading: Jungle challenge

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 6 - Reading: Jungle challenge
    3. Language Focus: will and won't in the first conditional

      Language Focus: will and won't in the first conditional

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 6 - Language Focus: will and won't in the first conditional
    4. Vocabulary and listening: Survival equipment

      Vocabulary and listening: Survival equipment

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 6 - Vocabulary and listening: Survival equipment
    5. Language Focus: must and should

      Language Focus: must and should

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 6 - Language Focus: must and should
    6. Speaking: Giving instructions

      Speaking: Giving instructions

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 6 - Speaking: Giving instructions
    7. Writing: A blog

      Writing: A blog

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 6 - Writing: A blog
    8. CLIL: Technology: GPS and survival

      CLIL: Technology: GPS and survival

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 6 - CLIL: Technology: GPS and survival
    9. Puzzles And Games (Page 77)

      Puzzles And Games (Page 77)

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 6 - Puzzles And Games (Page 77)
  10. Progress Review 3

    Progress Review 3

    English 7 Friends Plus Progress Review 3
    1. Progress review

      Progress review

      English 7 Friends Plus Progress review 3
  11. Unit 7: Music

    Unit 7: Music

    English 7 Friends Plus Unit 7: Music
    1. Vocabulary: Music and instruments

      Vocabulary: Music and instruments

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 7 - Vocabulary: Music and instruments
    2. Reading: A song

      Reading: A song

      English 7 Friends Plus Unit 7 - Reading: A song

Tin tức mới

Lớp 7

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 7

Giáo Dục Việt Nam

Bộ Sách Giáo Khoa của Nhà Xuất Bản Giáo Dục Việt Nam

Môn Học Lớp 7 - Giáo Dục Việt Nam

Bộ Sách Lớp 7

Giáo Dục Việt Nam

Bộ Sách Giáo Khoa của Nhà Xuất Bản Giáo Dục Việt Nam

Tài liệu học tập

Đây là tài liệu tham khảo hỗ trợ trong quá trình học tập

Global Success & Bộ Giáo Dục - Đào Tạo

Bộ sách Global Success & Bộ Giáo Dục - Đào Tạo là sự kết hợp giữa ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh theo lối giảng dạy truyền thống và cập nhật những phương thức quốc tế

Chân Trời Sáng Tạo

Bộ sách giáo khoa của Nhà xuất bản Chân Trời Sáng Tạo

Cánh Diều

Bộ sách giáo khoa của Nhà xuất bản Cánh Diều

Kết Nối Tri Thức Với Cuộc Sống

Sách giáo khoa của nhà xuất bản Kết Nối Tri Thức Với Cuộc Sống

Sách Giáo Dục Việt Nam

Lớp 1

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 1

Lớp 6

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 6

Lớp 5

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 5

Lớp 4

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 4

Lớp 2

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 2

Lớp 3

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 3

Lớp 7

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 7

Lớp 8

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 8

Lớp 9

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 9

Lớp 10

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 10

Lớp 11

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 11

Lớp 12

Sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 12

Tin tức mới

Liên Kết Chia Sẻ

** Đây là liên kết chia sẻ bới cộng đồng người dùng, chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm gì về nội dung của các thông tin này. Nếu có liên kết nào không phù hợp xin hãy báo cho admin.