Nội Dung Chính
Page 20
I can talk about how I communicate today.
Extra listening and speaking p107
THINK! Name five different ways that you communicate with other people.
1. 🎧1.14 Match the words in blue in the communication survey with pictures A-J. Listen and check.
The way we communicate is changing. That's a fact. But how? Please take our survey so we can find out.
How often do you _____?
1. have face-to-face conversations with friends?
2. send a text message?
3. send an email?
4 send a letter or card?
5. call someone from a mobile phone?
6. call someone from a landline?
7. use instant messaging?
8 use video chat?
9. use symbols like emoticons and emojis in messages?
10. Post messages on social media?
Write your score
All the time 4 Often 3 Sometimes 2 Never 1
2. Do the survey and compare your answers with your partner's.
Page 21
Young people 3%
Adults 20%
Young people 2%
Adults 33%
Social media
Young people 94%
Adults 39%
3. Read the fact file. Complete the statements about communication habits with the words in the box.
hardly any most much less much more |
1. Adults spend _______ time using email to communicate than young people.
2. Compared to adults, young people spend _______ communication time talking on the phone.
3. Young people spend _______ communication time on emails.
4. Young people spend _______ of their communication time on social media.
🎧1.15 Watch or listen. Who meets their friends the most: Rebecca and Harry, or Steve?
🎧1.15 Watch or listen again and put the key phrases in the order you hear them. Which phrases do you not hear?
Comparing answers a. What about you? ⬜ e. Not really. ⬜ b. Of course. ⬜ f. I'm surprised! ⬜ c. Of course not. ⬜ g. Me, too. ⬜ d. Really? ⬜ h. I'm not surprised. ⬜ i. Neither am I. ⬜ |
USE IT! Work in pairs. Take turns discussing the fact file. Use the key phrases and the questions below.
1. In your family, do the adults speak on the phone more than you?
2. Do you prefer to text or talk?
3. Do you use emails very much?
4. Do you spend most of your communication time on social media?
Write a paragraph describing the time you and your family spend communicating.
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