Nội Dung Chính
Page 43
1. Use the code to find the first and last letters of adjectives about people and places. Write the adjectives, then match them with their opposites.
A | E | I | O | U | |
# | a | g | m | s | y |
& | b | h | n | t | z |
? | c | i | o | u | |
% | d | j | p | v | |
* | e | k | q | w | |
@ | f | l | r | x |
I* I@ P_____R = poor cruel
1. A& E# ..._____... = .......... dead
2. O& U# ..._____... = .......... enormous
3. E% A* ..._____... = .......... exciting
4. O? E@ ..._____... = .......... rich
5. A# A% ..._____... = .......... useless
2. MEMORY GAME. Work in groups. Follow the instructions.
• Look at the pictures for 20 seconds. Close your books.
• Take it in turns to say what objects there were, using There was / There were.
• There was a football. There were two books. The winner is the last player who can remember something.
3. Complete the crossword with the past tense of the verbs in the 'Across' and 'Down' spaces.
explore feel give meet travel
1. _ r _ _ _ _ _ e _
3. _e_
5. _ _ _t
9. _ _ _ _ _ _ed
6. g_ _ _
find leave take stay visit
1. _ _ _ k
2. _ _s_ _ _ _
3. _e_ _
4. _t_ _e_
8. _ _u_ _
4. TELLING A STORY. Work in teams. Follow the instructions.
• Each person chooses a verb from the box and writes it down.
come explore find feel get give go have help leave meet see stay look take travel visit watch |
• One person in each team reads the sentence below out loud, and adds another part to the sentence, using his / her verb from the box.
Yesterday I found a time machine and I travelled back in time.
Yesterday I found a time machine, I travelled back in time, and I saw a dinosaur.
• The next person in the team repeats the sentences and adds another part, using his / her verb from the box.
Yesterday I found a time machine, I travelled back in time, I saw a dinosaur, and I visited Galileo in Italy.
• The story continues until everyone uses their verbs, or until it becomes impossible to remember the story.
• In pairs, now try to remember the complete sentence and write down as much as possible.
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