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Screen time
I can read comments and opinions, and understand the main ideas.
THINK! How much time do you spend in front of your computer screen every day?
Friends Forum
Main forum > Help and advice > Family Rules > Screen time
The rule in our family is - no phones at the table. My dad bans phones when we're eating together at home or in a restaurant.
Serzh98 (new member)
Our family rules? I'm not allowed to New Member have a computer in my room, but my parents let my sister have a PC because 'she's older and she studies more'. But she doesn't!!!
My mum doesn't allow TVs, computers or phones in our rooms. But anyway, I just want to sleep in my bedroom!
I don't watch much TV, except a bit on YouTube. But my nan* watches TV a lot. So anyone can spend time in front of screens.
*nan = grandmother
Messifan I do a lot of sport outside. So my mum allows me to play video games.
Ooh, my parents only let me play video games when I finish my homework. But I have A LOT of homework so I hardly ever play.
1. Read the Study Strategy. Then read the forum quickly. Which two people are not happy with the rules at home?
Skimming for gist • Read the text quickly to understand the general idea. • Read the text again to understand specific information. |
2. VOCABULARY PLUS Use a dictionary to check the meaning of the words in blue in the text.
3. 🎧1.06 Read and listen to the forum and answer the questions.
1. _______ doesn't allow his family to use phones during family meals?
2. _______ allows their daughter to have a computer in her room?
3. _______ doesn't let her daughter watch TV in her bedroom?
4. _______ spends a lot of time watching TV?
5. _______ allows their son to play video games after he finishes his homework?
6. _______ lets her son play video games because he plays outside, too?
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