Nội Dung Chính
Page 77
1. Find seven verbs in the grid. Each verb is in a different colour. Then use the verbs to complete the phrases about survival.
R | B | P | K | F | U |
O | E | F | L | S | I |
C | U | T | N | I | L |
I | A | L | G | E | I |
L | P | K | N | N | H |
D | O | T | D | D | W |
run away
1. _______ drinking water
2. _______ cool
3. _______ a shelter
4. _______ a fire
5. _______ fruit
6. _______ still
7. _______ the river
2. WHAT'S IN THE TENT? Work in groups. Add vowels (a, e, i and o) to find the survival equipment. The first group to find all the equipment wins.
mp trch
Ightr frst-d kt
wtr bttl cmpss knf
rp mrrr slpng bg
3. WHAT'S IN YOUR BAG? Work in pairs. Follow the instructions.
• You are planning a trip to the jungle. You can take a tent and five objects from exercise 2. You can also choose one extra object that isn't in exercise 2.
• Work with another pair. Give clues to guess what's in your bag.
• Explain why you choose your extra object.
Object 1. You use it to see in the dark.
A torch!
4. CONDITIONAL CHAIN. Work in two groups and follow the instructions.
If I go to the jungle, I'll take ....
• One person in each team writes down the sentence above on a clean piece of paper, and completes it. He/She passes the paper with the sentence to the next person in the team.
If I go to the jungle, I'll take my backpack.
• The next person in your team writes another sentence, using the last part of the first sentence. He/She passes the paper to the next person.
If I take my backpack, I'll pack some water.
• The third person writes another sentence, using the last part of the previous sentence. He/She passes the paper to the next person.
If I pack some water, I won't be thirsty.
• The game continues until you can't think how to finish the sentence and the chain is broken. The winner is the team who can make the most sentences.
• Start another chain and continue the game. This time, don't write the sentences, but say them.
If I go to the desert, I'll take ...
5. GUESS THE PLACE. Work in small groups. Follow the instructions.
• Choose a place from the box. Write four sentences to give advice about the place. Use must, mustn't, should and shouldn't.
park school beach library zoo swimming pool cinema museum |
• Read your sentences to the class, but don't tell them the place. The class guesses the place.
Sentence 1. When you go to this place, you must be quiet.
Is it a library?
No! Sentence 2. You mustn't use your mobile phone or take photos.
A museum?
No! Sentence 3...
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