Nội Dung Chính
Page 24
On the phone
I can understand and use telephone language.
THINK! Which person do you phone most often? Who do you text most often?
1. 🎧1.18 Listen and match phrases A-H with what you hear (1-8). Listen again and check.
A. be engaged/busy ⬜ E. hang up ⬜
B. call back ⬜ F. leave a voicemail ⬜
C. dial a number 1️⃣ G. put on speakerphone ⬜
D. download a ringtone ⬜ H. send a text message ⬜
2. 🎧1.19 Match 1-6 with a-f. Listen and check.
1 I'm afraid ... a. I haven't got any credit.
2. His phone's ringing, ... b. ... but he's not answering.
3. Wait! Wait! Please, ... c. Can you speak up?
4. Sorry, I can't hear you. d. ... you've got the wrong number.
5. Oh, I need to top up my phone. e. ... don't hang up.
6. Hello, is that Susan? f. No, it's Janet.
1 - d
3. 🎧1.20 Listen to three conversations. Write who says phrases 1-6 in exercise 2.
David's mum
Andrew's grandma
4. 🎧USE IT! Work in pairs. Imagine you are in the following situations. Think of your answers and then explain your reasons to your partner.
1. You are in town with friends. Your mum calls you. Do you _______
a. answer your phone?
b. pretend you can't hear it?
c. answer, but say that the line is bad and hang up?
2 You are talking to a friend on the phone in a public place. Your friend can't hear you. Do you _______
a. explain that the line is bad, hang up and call later?
b. continue the call and speak up?
c. hang up and send a message?
3 You send an instant message to a friend with important news. Your friend doesn't answer. Do you _______
a. forget about it and wait for your friend's response?
b. think your friend is ignoring you and feel angry?
c. call to tell your friend to look at the message?
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