Nội Dung Chính
Page 67
1. Order the letters to find times, numbers and measurements.
nyrtuce century
1. r q e t a u r
2. e e c a d d
3. o k l i
4. n s o u a t h d
5. l i n o l i b
6. t e m e r
7. s n o c d e
2. SENTENCE RACES. Work in two groups. Follow the instructions.
• For each sentence, the teacher chooses comparative or superlative and picks an adjective from the box.
• In your team, make a sentence with the comparative or superlative adjective that your teacher chooses.
• Send someone from your team to write your sentence on the board.
• The first team to write their sentence on the board wins a point. The winning team is the first to score four points.
comparative superlative |
big dangerous tiny exciting good scary far intelligent horrible slow |
3. Join the puzzle pieces to find the jobs and skills.
pro sci cham ge pro mu com in mathe
si po ven pi fes en gram ni mati
tist sor cian mer tor cian us ser on
4. TALK ABOUT ... Work in groups of four. You need a dice. Take turns rolling the dice and answering the question with the same number. If you get the same number twice, roll again.
1. What can you do now that you couldn't do three years ago?
2. Who in your family can play a musical instrument?
3. Could you ride a bike or swim when you were five years old? What (else) could you do when you were five?
4. Name something people couldn't do a hundred years ago.
5. Can you count backwards from 30 to 1 in 30 seconds? (Try it!)
6. Can you stand on one leg for sixty seconds? (Try it!)
5. TEAM QUIZ. Work in two groups. Follow the instructions.
• Write five quiz questions for the other team, starting with How. Use the ideas in the box. Make sure you can answer your own questions!
• Take turns asking and answering the questions. Score a point for each correct answer.
How many ...? How much ...? How fast ...? How big ...? How often ...? How high ...? How far ...? How small ...? How hot ...? |
How many students are there in our school?
How often is there a full moon?
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