Nội Dung Chính
(Page 30)
B GOAL: Ask for and Give Travel Information
tourist a person who visits a place
A 🎧14 Listen to the tourist. In which places do the conversations take place?
⬜ Airport check-in ⬜ Restaurant ⬜ Hotel reception
⬜ Immigration ⬜ Car rental
B 🎧14 Listen again and write the missing information.
BOARDING PASS Destination: ________Nha Trang_______ Boarding time: _________________________ Seat number: _________________________ Gate number: __________________________ |
HOTEL CHECK-IN Full name: _______ Miller Number of nights: ______________ Single ⬜ Double ⬜ Room number: _________________ |
A view of Nha Trang
(Page 31)
PRONUNCIATION: Rising and Falling Intonation |
When we ask questions with two options, we use rising and falling intonation. The intonation rises on the first option and falls on the second one. |
We often check information using questions:
Is it for one night or two?/ Is your middle initial A or E?
C 🎧15 Listen and repeat. Use rising and falling intonation.
1. Would you like a window or aisle seat?
2. Is this bag to check in or carry on?

3. Do you spell that L-E-E or L-I?
4. Is it for one night or two?
D Practice asking these questions with a partner. Use rising and falling intonation.
1. Are you from the US or Canada?
2. Do you want to pay by cash or by card?
3. Is your visit for business or pleasure?
4. Do you want my ticket or my passport?
5. Do you leave on the 25th or the 26th?
E. Ask a partner questions to fill out the information with his or her travel information. For some questions, you might have to make up information.
1. First name ____________________________________________________________________
2. Middle initial(s) _______________________________________________________________
3. Last name _____________________________________________________________________
4. Date of birth ___________________________________________________________________
5. Nationality _____________________________________________________________________
6. Country of residence ___________________________________________________________
7. Contact number _________________________________________________________________
8. Date of arrival ___________________________________________________________________
9. Number of nights ________________________________________________________________
10. Type of room (single/double?) __________________________________________________
11. Reason for visit (business / vacation?) ___________________________________________
Ask for and Give Travel Information
Work with a new partner. Ask and answer questions about your previous partner using the information in E.
What is his last name?
Her contact number is...
His last name is.
She arrives on...
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