(Page 34)
D GOAL: Plan a Vacation
Reading 🎧17 (Optional)
A When you go on vacation, which activities do you like to do? Tell the class.
⬜ Dance in the evening ⬜ Go sightseeing
⬜ Eat local food ⬜ Meet local people
⬜ Go camping ⬜ Play sports
⬜ Go to festivals ⬜ Sunbathe on the beach
⬜ Go shopping ⬜ Visit museums
B Read the article. Which activities in A are in the article? Check (✔) the boxes.
C Read the article again. Does the author agree or disagree with this advice? Circle A for agree or D for disagree.
1. Plan everything before your vacation. A D
2. Visit new places out of the city center. A D
3. Always buy food from supermarkets. A D
4. Get all your information from guidebooks and the Internet. A D
5. Talk to local people for advice and suggestions. A D
D MY WORLD Do you agree with the author's advice? Why? Tell a partner.
In small groups, plan an interesting vacation for friends visiting your city.
1. Your friends have three days in your city. Write down what they can do on each day:
Day one | Day two | Day three |
2. Present your plan to another group. Do you think the other group has an interesting vacation?
(Page 35)
Make Your Vacation More Interesting

Aziz Abu Sarah at the Matterhorn in Switzerland
Aziz Abu Sarah has a travel company and often gives advice to tourists. Here he answers the question: "How can a vacation be more interesting?"
Don't plan everything
Tourists often study maps and plan everything before they go on vacation. It's fun to go sightseeing, but sometimes it's interesting to leave the map at the hotel. When I was in Tokyo for the first time, I traveled to the suburbs. Two hours later, I was singing karaoke and dancing with local people.
Try the local food
Eating local food always makes a vacation more interesting. Go to food markets where local people sell fresh food that they grew or cooked. You can learn more about their food and culture. It's much more interesting than going to a supermarket - and the food is better!
Find out where local people go
When you arrive in a new place, find out about festivals and events. Local magazines and posters have information about art galleries and live music. If you like sports, find out where people play. When I was in Tunisia, I played soccer on the beach with a group of local men.
Ask for advice and suggestions
All around the world, people are always happy to give advice. Don't always use the guidebook or the Internet. Ask local people for suggestions on where to go or where to eat. Once, in Curitiba, Brazil, I asked a local group where I should have dinner in the city. They invited me for dinner and I am still friends with them!
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