Nội Dung Chính
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E GOAL Follow and Give Instructions
A Read the instructions for The Food Game. Then play the game in small groups.
First, go to START. Next, take turns flipping a coin. Move 1 square for heads or 2 squares for tails. Then, follow the instructions on the square. Finally, the first person to reach FINISH is the winner.
1. Say five vegetables.
2. Say five types of fruit.
3. Say the ingredients for a dish.
4. Ask another player a question with Would you like...?
5. You are a waiter. Ask another player for their order in a restaurant.
6. You are late for dinner! Miss one turn.
7. Ask another player a question with How many...?
8. Describe your favorite meal. Is it healthy?
9. Ask another player a question with How much...?
10. Give two reasons for growing your own food.
FINISH You win the game!
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WRITING SKILLS: Sequencing Information |
Use sequencing words to give instructions: First,... Next,... Then,... After (that).... Meanwhile,... (at the same time) Finally, / Last of all,... Note: We normally use a comma after a sequencing word: First, you need to... |
B Read the instructions for the game again. Underline the sequencing words.
C Put these instructions in the correct order for a recipe for spaghetti Bolognese.
_______ After that, take the pasta out of the water.
_______ Finally, it's ready to eat!
_______ Meanwhile, heat the Bolognese sauce in a pan.
_______ First, heat some water in a pot.
_______ Then, put the pasta and the sauce on the plates.
_______ Next, put the pasta in the pot for ten minutes.
D Complete the sequencing words in these instructions.
Hi! Would you like to have dinner at my house? It's easy to get here.
(1) F_______, take the train to the main station. (2) T_______, take bus number 36 to the movie theater. (It takes about 5 minutes.) (3) A_______ t_______, walk down Decatur Avenue. (4) F_______,turn left on Port Street. My house is number 15.
Follow and Give Instructions
1. Choose one of these:
• Instructions for a recipe
• Instructions for a game
• Instructions to get to your house
2. Write your instructions (120-150 words). Remember to use sequencing words.
3. Exchange instructions with a partner. Can you understand each other's instructions?
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