Nội Dung Chính
(Page 68)
Play with 2-4 classmates. Take turns. Each classmate has a game counter. Toss a coin and move your counter.
Heads = move two squares
Tails = move one square
Can't answer? Miss a turn!

1. Name a job that pays a lot of money.
2. Give an example of a "nine-to-five" job.
3. Describe the student who is sitting next to you.
4. Describe a job that is challenging.
5. Predict what your town will be like in the future.
6. What does a personal support worker do?
7. Compare two animals you like. Say three things about them.
8. Where are the world's two longest steel roller coasters?
9. What's your best friend like?
10. What is the meaning of "by the book"?
11. What do we call a group of frogs?
12. Name a person with long black hair.
13. Name three animals that are nice.
14. Where are temperatures rising the most?
15. Explain the meaning of "an unsung hero".
16. Name a crowdfunding project that you know.
17. What are some rules in your class / school?
18. Name your favorite job and describe three special features of the job.
19. Name a job that lets you work with animals.
20. Name a friend/ classmate that is funny.
21. What is your plan for tomorrow night?
22. What do you call a person that is talkative and outgoing?
23. What time does your math class start?
24. Describe a student that is the tallest in your class.
25. What are you doing this weekend?
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