Nội Dung Chính
(Page 36)
If you do something "by the book," you ________.
a. follow all the rules
b. break all the rules
c. read all the rules
A. Answer the questions about Breaking the Rules.
1. Main Idea The reading is about how breaking rules can make ________.
a. photos look more interesting
b. photography difficult
c. photos look poor
2. Detail Which of these would make a poor photo? Shooting ________.
a. with light behind you
b. with light behind the subject
c. directly into the sun
3. Inference Most photographers ________
a. focus on the main subject
b. pay more attention to secondary details
c. try to create a layered effect
4. Detail The active space rule says you should leave empty space for people to ________
a. move into
b. move away from
c. create an illusion
5. Inference To create an element of surprise, you should ________.
a. take pictures outdoors
b. keep lines straight
c. create an unusual angle
B. Sort. Write R for the rules photographers follow and B for rules that they've broken.
Turn the camera and point it upwards. ________
Point your camera directly into the light. ________
Focus on the main subject of the photo. ________
Leave space for people to move into. ________
Shoot with the light behind you. Keep lines straight. ________
C. CRITICAL THINKING Work in a group. Find a photo in this book that you like. Then explain why. Do you think the photographer broke any rules?
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