Nội Dung Chính
(Page 100)
A. (🎧2-26) Listen to the news. Number the pictures in the order you hear them (1-4).

_____ footprints _____ mummy _____ skeleton _____ fossil
B. (🎧2-26) Listen again. Match the places with the statements.
1. The Sahara • • a. Researchers have found the skeleton of a giant dinosaur.
2. Germany • • b. Archeologists have discovered the footprints of an early human.
3. Kenya • • c. Scientists have identified the mummy of a pharaoh.
4. Egypt • • d. An explorer has unearthed the fossil of a huge crocodile.
C. Work with a partner. Look at the bold words in B. Do you know what they are? Which story in B are you most interested in?
(Page 101)
An explore studies fossil remains, Utah, U.S.A.
By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
• talk about recent and current discoveries;
• use the Present Perfect and the Simple Past;
• pronounce the sounds /f/ and /v/.
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